
Coleshill Church of England Infant School

"Let your light shine"
Matthew 5: 15-16

Science Week!

We recently celebrated Science Week – a ten day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths.  A huge thank you to Mrs Mason for organising it!


Visitor 1 – Mr Luebbert-Rose!

We are very thankful to one of our reception parents, Mr Luebbert-Rose, who spoke to us about being a pilot!  We learned about how maths, physics, biology, chemistry and psychology are all important when being a pilot.  We learned how you train to be one and how you learn to prepare for any emergencies that may happen in flight.  We talked about the different people who are involved in getting us in the air as well as different parts of a flight (take off, climb, cruise, descent and landing), height, speed and air pressure!


It prompted some fabulous questions including:

“What happens if it breaks down in the air?”

“How heavy are the planes?”

“Does the plane feel heavy when you fly it?”

“How can you see in the dark if you’re flying in the dark!”

“How many buttons are there in the cockpit?”

“How do you know which button to press?”


Some quotes from the children include:

“I didn’t know that when planes are cruising they can go up to 630mph!” – Harry

“I didn’t know that when you are learning to fly a plane, you have a black screen in front of you when you are flying” Dougie

“I didn’t know where were thousands of buttons in a cockpit!” – Jeremy

“He was quite amazing because it’s really fun to go up in the sky and be control the plane” – Dougie

“He looked very smart in his suit with his tie.  I think he would look even smarter with his hat on!” Joshua

“I learned about the simulators on stilts that move and that make you feel like you’re in a plane” – Oliver

“I didn’t know you fly higher than Mount Everest that is 29,000ft!  You fly at 40,000ft!” – James


Visitor 2 – Mrs Walker

Another thanks goes to another one of our parents, Mrs Walker who came in to talk to us about Volcanology!  We learned all about what is in the centre of the world, the Earth’s crust, magma chambers, lava and how volcanoes are formed.  We learned that there are lots of different volcanic gases and that there are different types of volcanoes such as wide plateaus, fissure vents and that they can be also be found on the ocean floor.  We then observed a scientific experiment creating eruptions using mentos and three different drinks, have the opportunity to make predictions about which drink would have the most forceful eruption!


Visitor 2 – Science Workshop

On the Friday, the whole school took park in a slime making workshop!  They could choose to make either cloud slime or sensory slime and could choose what colour to make it!


Classroom experiments!

Each class also had opportunities to experience the awe and wonder of Science in their individual classes.  We had cress growing, dancing raisins, jumping rice crispies (using static electricity), rainbow skittles, droopy plants, germ and bread experiments to name a few!



We also held a competition with the theme “Time”.  Our budding scientists were all so inventive and entries included posters on time zones, why fruit softens over time, cars and transport now and in the future, a timeline of scientists, sun dials, erupting volcanoes, mechanical clocks, water timers, solar system and The Mesozoic Era!  We really enjoyed welcoming parents in to see the amazing contributions.  Congratulations to Jaxon who was awarded first price for his poster investigating why fruit goes soft.  He even brought in him microscope so that his classmates to observe the changes in the fruit cells themselves.




