
Coleshill Church of England Infant School

"Let your light shine"
Matthew 5: 15-16



At Coleshill, our intention is that children leave our school with an understanding of, and respect for, religions and world views in the modern world.  We provide opportunities to celebrate similarities and differences between people in our community locally, nationally and globally by recognising major religious events and festivals.  We instil a sense of awe and wonder for the world around us and highlight our collective responsibility to show stewardship for our planet, in order to protect it for the future.  We aim to foster a greater appreciation of those with different religious beliefs so that every child feels confident to play their own part in making the world a more loving and harmonious place. 


In Reception, R.E. is taught within our Early Years Curriculum and at Key Stage 1, both Year 1 and Year 2 follow the Bucks Agreed Syllabus.  This is complemented with the Understanding Christianity programme.  Please read our R.E. Policy and Progression of Skills for further information


Here is what some of our pupils say about why it is important to learn R.E. and what they have enjoyed learning the most:


James – We get to learn about Jesus and God and different faiths.  I liked making the wheel to show the Easter Story because we got to draw pictures and when you spin it, it goes to the next picture.


Dougie – You and learn about different religions like Jewish, Muslims, Buddhism and about people who are different to us.  I also liked learning about the Sedar Plate.


Joshua -  You get to learn about miracles and stories like The Good Samaritan.  They teach us how to behave.  I also liked learning about the objects that each faith uses like special books, scrolls, candles, stars, sedar plate.


Oliver – I think R.E. is important because you get to learn about being a good Christian and to be good to other people


Quinn -  The thing I found most interesting was when we cracked the code to learn that if we are kind and gentle we will be blessed by God.


Jaxon – I enjoyed making the Poppies for Remembrance Day.


Luka -  I enjoyed making the flap books when we learned about Rosh Hashanah.

