
Coleshill Church of England Infant School

"Let your light shine"
Matthew 5: 15-16

Year 1

Information and Meet the Teacher evening presentation

Phonics presentation

Year 1 Multiskills festival November 2023 - the Year 1 and Year 2 children enjoyed a variety of physical activities which used hand-eye coordination, balance and gross motor skills.

Year 1 and Year 2 Gymnastics festival January 2023 - the Year 1 and 2 children visited Holmer Green Junior School for a gymnastics festival, they enjoyed a variety of gymnastics activities which used balance, core strength and gross motor skills.

Year 1 Cooking

Snowy Fun!

Year 1 enjoyed a science lesson looking for birds. They used their observational skills to identify different characteristics of a variety of birds, using identification charts.

Diwali - Diva Lamps

Nature Walk


Forest School

Scroll down for photos of previous activities

Making and eating our vegetable stir fry

Making vegetable gardens

Making gingerbread men


Autumn Exploration

Recycle Week Hats!

Congratulations to Year 1 children on their Talent for Writing Awards - their acrostic poems will be published in an upcoming book!

Learning about buildings at the Chiltern Open Air Museum

Multiskills PE festival at Dr Challoners High School

English - Dear Zoo

In English we have been reading ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell.  We planned the animals that we wanted to include in our books and then wrote our own version of the story. We tried to use interesting punctuation in our writing and adjectives to describe the animals. We invited  the  Reception Class to Year 1  and we read the original story to them and then shared our own books with them. We were proud of our work and enjoyed sharing our work with our younger friends. Take a look at the pictures to see us as proud authors sharing our work.


Dear Zoo with our Reception friends

Maths - 2D shapes

In Maths we worked in pairs to make 2D shapes. We had to think carefully about the properties of the shapes before we made them ensuring they had the correct number of sides and corners. We even labelled them! Look at the photos to see the shapes we made.


Art - Mural Tiles

In Art we have been studying buildings and the shapes and patterns we see in them. We have sketched our school and designed a tile with a school theme to make a class mural of our school building. Look at the photos to see us following our designs and making our tiles.

