
Coleshill Church of England Infant School

"Let your light shine"
Matthew 5: 15-16




‘Let your light shine’

Coleshill Curriculum Aims

The curriculum is at the heart of everything that we do at Coleshill. As a CE School we aim to embody Christian values in all that we do and our values of Love, Kindness, Stewardship, Respect, Perseverance and Resilience define our ethos and our Christian Vision ‘Let your light shine’ (Matthew 5: 15-16) underpins everything that we do. We want to find the light in every child to enable them to be the best that they can be and to make the world a better place to be.


Each class teacher holds a Meet the Teacher information evening at the start of each academic year where they discuss the curriculum with parents in more depth.  For the dates of any upcoming information evenings, please refer to our calendar.


Extra Provision

All pupils attend Forest School sessions throughout the year.  Reception have weekly forest school sessions and KS1 have one term each. We have a specialist Sports Coach who teach all children P.E. for one hour per week.  For music, we offer peripatetic piano lessons for Key Stage 1.


Themed weeks and days

To enrich and enhance our curriculum, we hold various special days and events throughout the year, including spirituality week, Citizenship week, Child Safety week, Science week and wellbeing events.  We also mark special days such as World Book Day and support charitable events such as Children in Need and Liberty's Legacy.


Curriculum Detail

Please click on the stars below for more information about our whole school curriculum intent.  There is also a whole year overview of what units of work are taught in each subject throughout the year and termly overviews that have more detail about what is taught in each subject each term in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  Reception also have a set of Curriculum Goals in addition to their half termly progression of skills document.


Curriculum Subjects

Each subject has a progression of skills document clearly detailing how the skills and knowledge taught progress from Reception up to Year Two.  For more information about each subject, please click on the relevant star below.

Our Accessibility Plan can be found here:

We follow the National Curriculum at our school.

Please see the link to our class pages for more specific information about activities in each class:

